28 June 2024 - Who is your caretaker?

By Peter Lawrence, Director

Who is your Caretaker? It could be you!

Trish, a good friend from church, shared an extract from a book by Lenna Lidstone that highlighted the work of the Kapiji.

Blocks of flats in Ankara each has a person who is called the Kapiji, or literally the door keeper. A caretaker of sorts, who served the building usually living in a tiny one room accommodation in the basement. They arrived with their families, often from a village outside the big city, and being of lower class were never fully accepted by the folk in the building. The Kapiji has three basic jobs to do each day.

  • Firstly, to fire the communal central heating boiler situated in the basement. Few people realise how cold Ankara can be in winter.
  • Secondly, the Kapiji would visit the local bakery and buy enough fresh bread for the whole apartment block, which would be sold to the residents.
  • Finally, the Kapiji would visit every apartment daily to collect and dispose of the rubbish ensuring what could be, was recycled.

Three basic tasks that ensured the community could function.

As I thought about the work of the Kapiji I started to think that surely every organisation, business, community needs a Kapiji, one who take care of the basic tasks.

As a senior manager, my office was on the top floor, with a large desk, conference table and adjoining office for my PA, yet I never felt so remote from people as I did then.

So here is my question, does every human system, organisation, business, community, need a Kapiji?

Someone who will

  1. Ensure the culture is warm, welcoming and inviting.
  2. Enable people to be nourished with the “bread” of what they need,
  3. Sweep up the toxic rubbish of hierarchy, gossip, and hypocrisy, regularly.

Does your organisation have a Kapiji?

Maybe it could be you?

You are capable

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