What we do - Building Capability
In people, teams, leaders and organisations.
We build your capabiity so you become self-sufficient and self-supporting so you can do it yourself! It's not about us creating dependency.
Our people pathways are there to help you achieve growth and enhance your skills, knowledge and performance.
Imagine having a trusted guide or an experienced professional by your side, dedicated to your development. In a one-to-one relationship, we assist you in pinpointing your goals, understanding your current reality, exploring options, and crafting strategies to make those goals a reality. We provide invaluable tools, offering profound insights, effective strategies, and the confidence needed to navigate your unique journey.
You’ll engage in one-to-one sessions with one of our expert practitioners who will leverage models like GROW to steer your progress. The aim is to unlock your potential, enabling you to not only identify your goals but also take the steps needed to achieve them.
Included in this phase
- Self growth
- Personal Development
- Mentoring
- Coaching
- Appreciative Inquiry
- Action Learning
Team development built to meet the needs of you and your team.
The emphasis is very firmly on “bespoke”. Each organisation and team is different, with different skills and issues so how can one style of intervention fit all?
Together we assess the needs of your team via a pre-meeting to identify and agree your key drivers and goals. Why is development needed? What is the desired outcome?
The facilitated event would then be designed to meet those requirements.
In designing and delivering the team development intervention we will
build your capability in recognising different aspects of team development;
Grow your team’s capability, skills and attitudes. This will help them to work more effectively as a team in your organisation.
75% of employees rate team work as being important, yet over 80% of leaders blame a lack of teamwork for workplace failures.
Teams – the basic building block of most organisations and communities. We are told continually of the need for effective teamwork but how much time do we invest in building our teams?
Healthy, effective, and efficient organisations and communities are built upon healthy high performing teams.
We will work with you to explore what effective team working means in your context.
I expected a training session and received a learning experience that transformed both me and my team
Research demonstrates there are 3 factors that will transform your organisation or community.
- A shared purpose
- A supportive culture
- Effective Leadership
Traditional leadership development programmes tend to focus on off the shelf products that fail to take into account the context in which leaders work or the needs of the organisation or community they serve.
Our focus is on "Situational Leadership Development" that not only seeks to develop the individual leader but also the context or place in which they work.
We are particularly interested in connecting leaders from different organisations to share learning beyond traditional boundaries.
Through a series of interventions including Action Learning we will develop your bespoke experience that is as unique as your context, enabling leaders to shape a supportive culture that delivers your shared purpose.
We are experts in designing and delivering “open space" technology creating time and space for leaders to engage deeply and creatively around issues of concern to them – It is particularly useful in strategic direction setting and envisioning the future. The agenda is set by leaders within the group with the desire to see it through. We find that Open Space meetings result in transformative experiences for the individuals and groups involved.
We use 4 principles.
1 Whoever comes are the right people,
2 Whatever happens is the only thing that matters,
3 When it starts is the right time,
4 When it's over, it's over.
We can help you develop engaging and memorable experiences that include the conversations over coffee and so much more.
Included in this phase
- Situational Leadership Development. Developing leaders in their context to deliver what they need to be effective in their role.
- Open Space Technology. Creating time and space for leaders to engage deeply and creatively around issues of concern to them.
- Mentoring. Providing personal one to one support.
A whole system approach to develop a visual representation of how your organisation is aligned to deliver your key purpose.
We all need to ensure that our organisations align all we do, with all we have, to be the best we can be. Building an operating model using the Organisation Design techniques and skills, we will help ensure your organisation can deliver as effectively as possible.
How often do we “bolt” new processes, products, teams on to an existing organisation without assessing the impact on the whole system? Having a visual up to date representation of your organisation will help you to focus on what is required.
We will enhance your knowledge and capability in capturing, reviewing and designing operating models. Work with you to design options and leave you with the skills to review and enhance your organisation’s model now and in the future.
This can include a Cultural Diagnosis, a research-based approach, pinpointing the culture needed to fulfil your organisation's purpose.
Edgar Schein famously described the culture of an organisation like a lily pond, with layers that become increasingly impenetrable as you descend. You may have to delve quite deep into the depths to get at what is really “rooted”. A thriving culture is non-negotiable. Understanding, evolving, and aligning your culture is a strategic imperative. That's where a Culture Diagnosis identifies your existing culture, illuminates gaps, unlocks opportunities for transformation, creating the required cultural shift.
Included in this phase
- Organisation Design
- Organisation Development
- Culture Diagnostic
- Restructure
- Stakeholder Analysis
- Decision Making and Accountabilities (DMA)
Our values - Our practice is built upon the foundations of People, Change and Community.
At One Peter Four, we offer a unique blend of services, built around the needs of people, the change they are seeking to embrace in the context of the organisation or community they are engaged with.
- People . The inclusion of people, their ideas perspectives and cultures to design develop and lead healthy organisations.
- Change. Participatory approaches to organisational change and decision-making which respect the contributions, dignity, and worth of all.
- Community. Social responsibility and social justice - the benefit and well-being of all. Equitable policies principles and practises in organisations and communities
- Inclusion. Our community values fair and unbiased practices, welcomes an attitude of respects for people's whole selves and a desire to seek and share different perspectives.
- Trust. We build our practice on the foundations of Credibility - we have a deep knowledge of our subject, Reliability - we do what we say, Intimacy - we build powerful personal relationships.
- Compassion. Its all about people.