We are an equal opportunities employer. This means that it is the Company's policy that there should be no discrimination against or harassment of any employee or job applicant either directly or indirectly on the grounds of:

  • Race, colour, nationality or national or ethnic origin ("race");
  • Sex or marital status.
  • Disability (e.g. a long term mental or physical impairment);
  • Sex change status.
  • Sexual orientation.
  • Religion or philosophical belief; or
  • Age.

We will

  • Eliminate, as far as is reasonably possible, discrimination and harassment from the workplace,
  • Encourage its employees to take an active role against all forms of discrimination and harassment,
  • Deter employees from participating in discriminatory behaviour or harassment,
  • Demonstrate to all employees that they can rely upon the Company's support in cases of discrimination or harassment at work.

Whilst we recognise that the overall responsibility for the effective operation of this policy lies with the Directors of the Company, all associates, must agree to our policy before undertaking work on our behalf.

Associates will agree to 

  • Co-operate with any measures introduced to develop equal opportunities.
  • Respect the sensitivities of others.
  • Refrain from taking discriminatory actions or decisions which are contrary to this policy,
  • Not instruct, induce, or attempt to induce or pressurise others to act in breach of this policy.

Harassment in any form on grounds of sex, race, disability or belief, sexual orientation or age is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Such harassment constitutes discrimination and is unlawful.

Examples of harassment may include,

  1. Physical conduct ranging from touching to serious assault.
  2. Verbal and written harassment through jokes, racist remarks, offensive language,
  3. Visual displays of posters, graffiti, obscene gestures, or any other offensive material,
  4. Isolation or non-co-operation at work, exclusion from social activities,
  5. Coercion, including pressure for sexual favours,

Associates or clients who believe they are victims of harassment are encouraged to make it clear that they find their conduct unwelcome or offensive. When it is difficult or inappropriate to raise the issue directly, the situation should be raised with the Directors as a matter of urgency.

If the harassment is serious or cannot be resolved informally a formal complaint should be raised with the Directors.

We will ask for the provision of full information in writing about the complaint, including details to help the us investigate such as date of incidents and names of any witnesses.

We will appoint an independent suitable investigator. Who will set out a realistic timeframe for investigation and update this information if the investigation is likely to take more or less time than initially expected.

Confidentiality of the allegations will be preserved so far as possible, but realistically some details may need to be provided to third parties. All interviewers and other third parties will be asked not to discuss with anyone the information in their possession regarding the allegations.

The investigator will reach a conclusion on the allegations which will be explained to all parties, which will include any follow up action needed.

Parties have the right to appeal in writing within 7 days to a director if not satisfied with the outcome of the investigation.


All associates have responsibility to accept their personal involvement in the practical application of this policy, but specific responsibility falls upon the Directors to communicate and apply this policy.